Qualification: Engineer
Выпускающие кафедры: Department of Design and manufacturing of the electronic devices, Department of Electronic Systems and Equipment
Change-over to designing radio equipment on the base of microminiaturization and its producing on integration circuits, microprocessors, functional devices with the wide sage of automation made the processes of design and development more sophisticated. It means that specialists in radioengineering design and technology should be better trained.
Modern radioelectronic devices are characterizes by functional, constructional and technological complexity. Such equipment should have advanced operational, constructional, technological, economical, aesthetical and ergonomic characteristics. Taking all this in the consideration the role of a radio designing engineer as a creative person has increased dramatically.
Technology it is a science studying the connections between physical, chemical and biological processes with the aim to get a certain product. Producing of any product is connected to the realization of a several technological processes. So, industrial engineer has to combine all the processes into one technical activity. This can be achieved only by studying special disciplined connected to computing, programming and physico-mathematical modeling. Practicing special methods during the studying these disciplines allows all students to acquire profound knowledge.
Ion plasma technology demands good knowledge in physics, mathematics, chemistry and information technology. These subjects are thought under the guidance of Department of Electronic Systems and Equipment and Department of Radioequipment Engineering.
Technological development of industry and automatic design and control tools defines the pace of technological innovation, space and bosom of the sea exploring, national economy development, defence capability of the country, life conditions of the people, development of medicine, development of energy engineering and communication.
Specialty 210201.10 (200810) «Radio Equipment Automatical Production Technology»
Rapid information growth does not allow people to have the equal profound knowledge in several disciplines. But inside one specialty there is a great number of various specializations, which may be significantly differ from each other. What is more, during his/her life a person can’t even use all the information in the field of only one specialty as during the technological growth and development some specialties may be changed and some may be completely vanished. Such a situation leads to the necessity to acquire new knowledge throughout the life, in order to be a professional.
Nowadays the sophistication of technological processes comes up to the level in which the realization of technological process is impossible without the automatization. The specialty “Radio Equipment Automatical Production Technology” gives students knowledge in methods, hardware and software for industrial automatization.
The main disciplines in the studying process are:
- computing systems and networks;
- software for automatic control systems;
- automatic production control;
- components and devices for automated control systems;
- electro technical systems and devices;
- electronics and microprocessors;
- industrial controllers for automatical production ;
- controlled drive of automated systems;
- local systems for automatical control of technological processes;
After graduating from the specialty students should know how to: design automatically controlled systems based on modern facilities for technological processes; design local automatics, choose industrial controls for control systems (sensors, conversion equipment, controllers, executive devices); use application software products for design work; produce design-engineering documentation using state-of-art CAD systems (CADdy, SCADA, T-FLEX, PCAD, MATHCAD, PSPICE, CADDS5, DUCT5, etc.); exploring and operation of automatic control systems; analysis of all types of automated control systems.
After graduating the specialty students are able to:
After graduating from the specialty students should know how to: design automatically controlled systems based on modern facilities for technological processes; design local automatics, choose industrial controls for control systems (sensors, conversion equipment, controllers, executive devices); use application software products for design work; produce design-engineering documentation using state-of-art CAD systems (CADdy, SCADA, T-FLEX, PCAD, MATHCAD, PSPICE, CADDS5, DUCT5, etc.); exploring and operation of automatic control systems; analysis of all types of automated control systems.
After graduating the specialty students are able to:
- design automatically controlled systems based on modern facilities for technological processes;
- produce design-engineering documentation using state-of-art CAD systems;
- develop perspective technologies in the field of information technologies for radioelectronics;
- choose the best decision during all parts of equipment design and production;
- find technical, economical, technological decisions for automatization process;
- organize and support of technological automated producing process;
- design and develop automated control and testing systems, vibration-based diagnostics, energy-efficient technologies;
- design and develop automated control systems in the following fields: radio equipment production for household use and industrial applications, instrumentation, electrical energy industry, metallurgy, petroleum chemistry, mechanical engineering;
- work out and form operation manuals for service and adjustment of electronic means;
- operate automated process control systems, which are based on industrial controllers, microprocessor technology and mechanical aids;